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Discover Treviso

Guide to vacation in Treviso
Discover Treviso - Guide to vacation in Treviso

is a city of frescoes enclosed by a sixteenth-century boundary wall. Worth admiring in its centre is Piazza dei Signori with the thirteenth-century Palazzo dei Trecento, the first seat of municipal government. Stroll along Via Calmaggiore with its elegant shops until you reach the Cathedral.

The Cathedral will surprise you with its number of artworks; for example, the Roman crypt, frescoes by Pordenone and paintings by Titian. The Pescheria is another special place in Treviso: an islet in the middle of the Cagnan Canal. Because of its many canals, Treviso is also known as the ‘city of water’.

Of considerable artistic importance are the churches of S. Francesco and S. Niccolò, with frescoes by Tommaso da Modena, one portraying S. Christopher, believed to be the oldest fresco in Europe to depict a pair of glasses. The Luigi Bailo Civic Museum has a substantial art gallery. Many houses in the historic centre are frescoed, such as Ca' Da Noal.
Treviso owns one of Italy’s finest and most original collections: the Salce Collection of vintage posters.

Treviso, a city of art, offers a speciality known to great chefs and food enthusiasts: red radicchio! This exquisite type of radicchio is produced in the countryside around the city. Treviso’s red radicchio can be used to flavour rice, grilled as a side dish or eaten simply in salads.
Visit Serravalle in Treviso province: an ancient village, part of the town of Vittorio Veneto, it was created to guard and defend important roads since it lay on the trade route to Germany. Archaeological collections are housed in the Museum del Cenedese. Beautiful buildings on Piazza Flaminio include Palazzo Cesana, Palazzo Bonaccorsi and Palazzo Paietta.

Portobuffolè is situated in the area of Treviso closest to Friuli Venezia Giulia. Portobuffolè probably began as a castle with seven towers on the important Salt Route. It had an important strategic position due to its location on an islet in the middle of River Livenza. Its period of greatest significance was in 1307 when Gaia da Camino, the daughter of Gherardo Lord of Treviso, and cited by Dante in the Divine Comedy, became the ‘owner’ of the village. Besides the town’s various monuments, also pay a visit to the Museum of Cycling located in Gaia da Camino’s house, embellished by a beautiful arcade.

Asolo, made famous by Robert Browning and Eleonora Duse, has the Zen Fountain as its town symbol. Asolo is a charming town worth visiting in its entirety. In the Civic Museum are portraits of women who have made the town famous: Caterina Cornaro and Eleonora Duse.

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