Umbrian cooking relies on the many products its land produces.
Umbrian cooking relies on the many products its land produces: truffles, mushrooms and excellent olive oil. These ingredients frequently season the region’s pasta dishes – pasta such as pici (like long, fat spaghetti) or strangozzi (loose twists of pasta). Here is an easy recipe for strangozzi with truffles.
Preparation andingredients:
For 4 people, boil about 500 g of strangozzi pasta until al dente (chewy).
Crush the black truffle in a wooden mortar and tip it into an appropriate amount of slightly warmed, good quality olive oil and add a little anchovy paste.
Pour this mixture over the cooked pasta and serve.
We suggest a good local wine to accompany the pasta and a second course of cheeses flavoured with black pepper, truffles or chilli pepper, and sliced cooked meats from Norcia.