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The Forest

Trees have undergone a long evolutionary process.

The Forest

The Ecocene era saw the separation into the the principal species of tree that exist on Earth today. The specific structure of the tree allows for processes to take place that are of primary importance in sustaining life for man (cf photosynthesis) and so represent an essential element in the formation and function of the world's major ecosystems.
From the outset scientists have used Latin or Latinized names for scientific botanical classifications. The terms ‘genus' and ‘species' were introduced in 1196 by the Swiss botanist Caspar Bauhin. In 1753 the Swedish naturalist Carl von Linné introduced the two-part classification system whereby each plant was designated a genus written with a capitalized Latin or Latinized name, followed by a specific name in lower-case and a letter in brackets that is the initial letter of the botanist who invented the plant's scientific name. For example, beech is defined Fagus sylvatica (L.).

The Forest
As a whole, the forest is a fascinating ecosystem in which flora, fauna and non-living organisms such as soil and water are tightly interconnected in a dynamic equilibrium. Changes external to the forest can lead to changes within it; we need only compare the bare appearance of a deciduous forest in winter with its spring and summer flowering undergrowth and the dense green foliage of its trees.

The Crown:   this includes the leaf-bearing twigs and branches that together sustain the leaves containing chlorophyll where the process of photosynthesis takes place.

Trunk: governs the supply of solutions from the roots to the upper parts of the tree. Acts as a support for the leaves, flowers and fruit.

Roots: anchor the tree to the soil, absorb water and nutrients.

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