• By car:
Coming from Highway A3 SA-RC it is preferable to take Sibari - Firmo exit and follow the road signs to Cassano Jonio - Lauropoli exit on the state road SS 534 for about 10 kms. Coming From the Ionic slope drive along highway A14 up to Taranto and therefore take on SS 106 to Sibari to follow the road signs for Cassano Ionio - Lauropoli.
• By train:
It is possible to reach us coming with the railway line Battipaglia - Reggio Calabria, from the Jonic slope. The railway station closest to us is Sibari Station.
• By bus:
SIMET bus company with departures and arrivals from: Salerno, Napoli, Foggia, San Giovanni Rotondo, Roma, Perugia, Siena, Firenze, Livorno, Pisa, Bologna, Milano, Ferrara, Padova, Verona, Brescia, Genova, Alessandria, Torino.
IAS SCURA bus company with departures and arrivals from: Bologna, Milano, Messina, Taormina, Catania, Taranto, Bari, San Giovanni Rotondo, Roma, Siena, Perugia, Firenze, Pisa.
• By Airplane:
Lamezia Terme International Airport 130 kms from Lauropoli or S. ANNA Airport of Crotone. From those airports you can reach us by bus, train or renting a car. Daily flights from and to Roma, Milano and Bologna.
Contrada Caccianova - SIBARI
87011 Cassano all'Ionio Cosenza
Lang spoken: English, Francais, German