Catania Airport (98 km): follow the direction Siracusa / Ragusa and along the bypass west of Catania reach the exit to Catania - Siracusa. Walk the highway to Siracusa and exit at 10th Km, Lentini - Continue in the direction of Ragusa Ragusa along the SS 194 and 514 until the first exit to Ragusa (Ragusa indication West / Gela / Vittoria) and turn right, you walk 4 km and turn right where you find the billboard "Tenuta Margitello"
Comiso Airport (12.6 km): airport exit, turn left on SP 5 towards Comiso, through two more roundabouts direction Comiso, at the next roundabout take the 3rd exit onto Via Giovanni Falcone continuing to the roundabout, then take the 2nd exit onto Via Paolo Borsellino. Continue for approximately 1 km, take a slight turn to the right and go straight on SS115, at the roundabout take the 3rd exit and stay on SS115 for about 3.8 km then turn left where Trovei the billboard "Tenuta Margitello".
Ragusa (11.8 km): Proceed from Corso Italy and then toward Viale Europa Avenue of the Americas, after 2 roundabouts follow the direction Comiso for about 5 km. Continue on SS 115 for 4 km, turn on the right where you can find the "Tenuta Margitello" sign.